Saturday 3 November 2012


That's the word.."Creativity"
It's astonishingly been on everyone's mouth lately (and in everyone's mind too). Not that it was never there, but there has been a sudden surge.

Everyone wants to be creative. They say they want to brandish a brush and attack the canvas, they say they want to learn to develop a perspective and capture moods and moments on print, they say they want to strum away strings to eternal bliss..

This is the general and popular usage of the term. The horizon they understand for the word creativity, is seemingly quite limited. Is the word so obvious and does it end with a countable set of activities? And the fun part is the way people brand themselves creative. They reproduce famous paintings, they play acclaimed tunes, they take photographs of photographs, and they call each-other creative, and they manage to get a good audience too. They copy. How can people be creative when they don't create but copy? 
"Good artists copy, Great artists steal"
They must have taken the idiom pretty seriously, and are probably learning the transition from good to great.

Art, music and photography are just a form of expression, of emotions. Centuries back, when mere words could not suffice to deliver the message to the intended, emotions took various forms. It was vented out and unleashed through music and dance forms. Each time, there was a meaning to the act. Every time, there was a creation, either to be seen, or to be heard, and to be visualized, understood, and to be marveled at.

It does not end there. There are many and more forms of creativity. The very world in which we live, was Created. They say "God created the world". I wouldn't know. But the word to be stressed and noted here is "Created". He sure must be quite an interesting fellow, to have come up with a thing like that. Lord Shiva's Damaru "created" sound, music in another sense. He is also called "Nataraja" the god of dance. His "Tandava" is quite famous. All, original. All, created.

Now to cater to atheists' and agnostics' doubts and speculations, Monalisa & The Last Supper by Da Vinci, Fur Elise & Requiem by Beethoven and Mozart respectively, Bedroom In Arles & The Yellow House by Vincent Van Gogh, all were creations in various original forms. We hear and see "inspirations" & "reproductions" of these masterpieces very often in our current life. Hah! Who has the time to create? We only have time to rip 'em off and call ourselves creative.

But i still feel it is not justified to limit the word to just these stunts. Creativity, according to me has got a great deal of psychological thingie too. Anyone can be creative, all he needs to do is create something, anything, passionately. The Idea has to come from within. It may be driven by inspiration, motivation, wonderment, admiration, confusion, or any other emotional imbalance. When emotions touch absolute saturation or drop down, it comes out, in one way or another. It is only then, that something beautiful is created.

Every creation is dear to the creator. He cannot dislike it, until it goes awfully wrong. He is passionate about it, right from the moment when the idea takes birth in his mind, to all the way till it takes a shape and form. Then he only marvels at his own effort. That, is creativity.

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