Friday 14 December 2012

No speech is ever considered, but only the speaker. It is so much easier to pass a judgment on a man than on an idea. Though how one passes judgment on a man without considering the content of his brain is more than what I can ever understand.
The shortest distance between two individual points, is not a straight line, but a Mediator. Yes. A Mediator. Inept and Tripe as it may sound, but such is the sad and current state of an individual’s creative and intellectual capacity, that the necessity and opinion of a Mediator becomes more paramount than faith in oneself.
Everything around me is evaporating. My whole life, my memories, my imagination and its contents, my personality - it’s all evaporating. I continuously feel that I was someone else, that I felt something else, that I thought something else. What I’m attending here is a show with another set. And the show I’m attending is myself.